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Ruination (warlock ability)

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Spell fire felflamestrike.png
  • Ruination
  • Warlock ability
  • Replaces [Hand of Gul'dan] or [Chaos Bolt]
  • 40 yd range
  • 1.5 sec cast
  • Call down a demon-infested meteor from the depths of the Twisting Nether, dealing (1105.84% of Spell power) Chaos damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summoning Demonology3 Wild Imps/Destruction1 Diabolic Imp.

    Destruction Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance.
Class Warlock
School Chaos
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown

Ruination is a granted by the [Ruination] hero talent.

Patch changes

External links