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Ruby Culler

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NeutralRuby Culler
Image of Ruby Culler
Gender Both
Race Red drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 60-62
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord, Red dragonflight
Location Erupting Cavern, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Ruby Cullers are red drakonid located at the Erupting Cavern and at Flashfrost Assault in the Waking Shores.


  • Ability felarakkoa feldetonation red.png Purifying Flame — Inflict 8 Fire damage to an enemy and remove 1 beneficial Magic effect.



Duty and honor.

Gossip Any enemy movements to report?

The djaradin have been pushed back, but the local tuskarr tribe still resist our attempts to re-establish communication. After we achieve victory, it may be worth offering them further assistance.
At the Erupting Cavern

For the Life-Binder!

Gossip Anything to report?

The elementals within this cave have been roused to violence, but we have them contained. The area is secure enough, though if you have a moment...

Patch changes

See also

  • Injured Ruby Culler

External links