Rope Around

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NeutralRope Around
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type World Quest
Category Krokuun
Reputation +75 Argussian Reach
Rewards Varies
Previous N [45] Duskcloak Problem & N [45] An Argus Roper



Chieftain Hatuun says: As the Legion encroaches upon the hunting grounds of the panthara, the starving beasts have grown more aggressive. Thin their numbers, before they wipe out our talbuk herds.



Chieftain Hatuun says: Those steeds are vital in our battle against the demons. You have my thanks for safeguarding them.


Triggers at the Petrified Forest in Krokuun.

Roping the first talbuk
Return the talbuk to the Krokul at the entrance to the forest!

You can pick up all three at once, giving you a buff for turn-in, but the buff will only last for ten minutes. Round them up, kill the panthara you need - Duskcloak Alpha, Duskcloak Panthara, Young Duskcloak, Ancient Duskcloak - and get them back to the corral.


  1. N [45] The Wranglers
  2. N [45] Duskcloak Problem & N [45] An Argus Roper
  3. N [45] Strike Back
  4. N [45] Woah, Nelly!

Patch changes

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