Rooby Roo

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NeutralRooby Roo
Image of Rooby Roo
Title <Miril Dumonde's Pet>
Gender Female
Race Pug (Undead)
Level 30-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Admiral Taylor's Garrison, Spires of Arak[37.5, 50.8]
Status Active

Rooby Roo is a pug ghost located inside the inn at Admiral Taylor's Garrison in the Spires of Arak. She is Miril Dumonde's pet.



<Rooby Roo looks hungry. Perhaps her owner has something that would help.>


  • Rooby Roo is a reference to Scooby-Doo, a main character and the namesake of an American cartoon franchise.

Patch changes

See also

External links