Ritualistic Denial

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NeutralRitualistic Denial
Start Kisha
End Kisha
Level 110 - 120 (Requires 110)
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +25 Talanji's Expedition
+250 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 23g 40s


Disrupt 3 blood rituals with Kisha's scroll of purging.


I can't believe we're dealing with a death loa, a DEAD loa, and blood trolls. This isn't what I had planned today!

Look, some of the other tortollans have said there are some blood rituals going on. They were spooked and started heading for the coast when they saw it.

Take this scroll and read it near any blood rituals. It should cause it to disperse.

Be careful with my scroll! It's old and they don't make them like they used to.


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