Rites of the Talonpriests

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NeutralRites of the Talonpriests
Start Reshad [45.9, 45.7]
End Effigy of Terokk [46.6, 46.7]
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 1450
Reputation +10 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 1g 42s
Previous N [30-40] Back from Beyond
Next N [30-40] The Talon King
Rites of the Talonpriests.jpg


Place Terokk's Gavel on the Effigy of Terokk.


That gavel was once known as Beakbreaker. In his final, darkest days, Terokk used it to perform grim, damnable acts of sacrifice. It is best not to dwell on those days. Terokk was sealed away deep within the shadows to rest, and perhaps to heal. Making contact with him will take a great deal of effort, so in the meantime, allow me to tell you of his more glorious exploits. Before this wretched curse took hold. Please, place the gavel upon the effigy.


You will receive: 1g 42s


<As you place the gavel at the base of the effigy, Reshad speaks over your shoulder.>



Head south to the Effigy of Terokk


  1. N [30-40] The Kaliri Whisperer
  2. N [30-40] Rites of the Talonpriests
  3. N [30-40] The Talon King
  4. N [30-40] The Missing Piece
  5. N [30-40] Terokk's Fall
  6. N [30-40] A Worthy Vessel
  7. N [30-40] The Avatar of Terokk
  8. N [30-40] Call of the Talon King (requires Exalted with Arakkoa Outcasts, awards  [Mantle of the Talon King])
  9. N [30-40] Talon Guard Kurekk

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