Call of the Talon King

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NeutralCall of the Talon King
Start Automatic
End Shade of Terokk
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 7,540
Reputation +500 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 46g 20s


Speak with the Shade of Terokk in Veil Terokk.


<name>, you have done much for my people. I wish to thank you on their behalf. Please visit Veil Terokk when you can.


You will also receive:


Thank you for coming.


On completion
Shade of Terokk says: Long have my people suffered the Curse of Sethe, and long have we sought a cure.
Shade of Terokk says: Sorceries, rituals and rites. Unspeakable acts of darkness and desperation, all for naught.
Shade of Terokk says: We found refuge in the shadows, yes, but also shame. We lost our way.
Shade of Terokk says: I led my people astray. You would have been fair to shun them as others do.
Shade of Terokk says: And yet, you showed them kindness. Curious.
Shade of Terokk says: You gave them strength. Though the curse may forever weigh upon their bones, I see them standing tall and proud.
Shade of Terokk says: You have succeeded where I failed. You have set my people free.
Shade of Terokk says: Truly, you are their Talon <Queen/King>.

Patch changes

External links