Risen Skulker

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Risen Skulker.

The Risen Skulker is a skeletal guardian pet for Unholy death knights who have the [All Will Serve] talent. It's summoned along with the death knight's Risen Ally via [Raise Dead].

Temporary Risen Skulkers can also be summoned with the [Bone Borrower] and [Bone Harvester] anima powers.


  • Ability hunter steadyshot.png Skulker Shot — A ranged shot that causes Physical damage. 2.5 sec cast time, 35 yd range, 8 yd radius.


  • The Risen Skulker remains active until the Risen Ally is dismissed or killed. The skulker can die, but it's automatically resummoned when you leave combat as long as the Risen Ally remains active.
    • If the Risen Skulker dies and you can't wait to drop combat, it can be manually resummoned by casting Raise Dead again.
    • The Risen Ally dying does not cause the skulker to disappear; it will remain active until it dies, too.
  • The Risen Skulker doesn't have a pet bar of its own. Instead, it follows the commands you give to your Risen Ally. If the Risen Ally is dead, the skulker can't be given commands.
  • The skulker does not benefit from talents or buffs that affect the Risen Ally, such as [Dark Transformation].
  • Originally, the skulker also had an ability called "Arrow Spray" that dealt damage in an 8 yard radius. It was merged into Skulker Shot at some point.

Patch changes

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.3.0 (2020-01-14): Can now benefit from [Path of Frost]. Skulker Shot cast time and damage increased by 25%.
    Developers' note: By increasing the cast time and damage [of Skulker Shot], this ability should no longer collide with the global cooldown at higher Haste levels.
  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2019-09-20): Resolved an issue that could cause the Risen Skulker to not attack enemy players in Arenas and Battlegrounds.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Skulker Shot damage reduced by 15%.
  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2018-08-08): Risen Skulker will now properly change targets to assist while in combat.
  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2018-08-06): The in-combat behavior of the Risen Skulker has been adjusted to work similarly to other ranged combat companions.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): Damage increased by 15%.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links