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Rijz'x the Devourer

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MobRijz'x the Devourer
Image of Rijz'x the Devourer
Race Tidal guardian (Beast)
Level 51 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Summer Fields, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Killable

Rijz'x the Devourer is a tidal guardian located at a pond in the Summer Fields in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Capacitance — Increases the victim's capacitance level. If the victim is struck with a tenth application of Capacitance they unleash an Electrostatic Burst, stunning the victim for 4 sec. and inflicting 20 Nature damage to allies within 8 yards.
  • Inv eyeofnzothpet.png Lingering Spite — Lob void energy at the destination, creating a pool of spite. Enemies within the pool are snared by 60% and have their Corruption increased by 0. The pool applies Lingering Spite every second, increasing the target's corruption by 0. Lingering Spite decays every second the target is outside of the pool.
  • Trade archaeology spinedquillboarscepter.png Spit — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.


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