Rigged to Blow

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HordeRigged to Blow
Start Bombardier Captain Smooks
End Bombardier Captain Smooks
Level 5-30
Category Azshara
Experience 1550
Reputation 250 Bilgewater Cartel
Previous H [5-30] Grounded!
Next H [5-30] Push the Button!


Arm the three Explosive Charges located around the base of the southern-most tower at Talrendis Point.

  • Detonator Charge 1 Armed
  • Detonator Charge 2 Armed
  • Detonator Charge 3 Armed


This tower was out of cannon range, so I thought we'd blow it up the old-fashioned way - in person. We set all the main charges but the guards fought us back before we could arm the detonators.

<Name>! Get up there and arm the three detonators we placed around the base of the tower. Those things are wired into a pack of thermals I set up along the spine... It'll be some show!


You will receive:


Did you get 'em? Did you get all three?


Sweet. Let's torch this banana stand!


Charges placed

Talrendis Marksman yells: Guards! They're up to something at the base of the tower. Stop them!


  1. H [5-30] Airborne Again
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. H [5-30] Blacken the Skies
  4. H [5-30] The Conquest of Azshara
  5. H [5-30] Probing into Ashenvale

Patch changes

External links