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Start Kroum
End Bombardier Captain Smooks
Level 5-30
Category Azshara
Experience 1150
Reputation 150 Bilgewater Cartel
Next H [5-30] Rigged to Blow


Find Bombardier Captain Smooks at the southernmost night elf tower at Talrendis Point.


Do you see a problem with these wind riders, <name>? They're not riding the wind! Every flight I send aloft gets peppered by night elf snipers.

Talrendis sharpshooters are holed up in the southern-most tower, against the mountains. I sent one of these little goblin scrubs to take care of the tower, but I haven't heard a word from him. Go find Bombardier Captain Smooks and beat him with the hurry stick!


Reinforcements, at last!


  1. H [5-30] Airborne Again
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. H [5-30] Blacken the Skies
  4. H [5-30] The Conquest of Azshara
  5. H [5-30] Probing into Ashenvale

Patch changes

External links