Ridge Skycaller

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MobRidge Skycaller
Image of Ridge Skycaller
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Class Skycaller
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Crackling Ridge, Vol'dun
Status Killable

Ridge Skycallers are sethrak located on the Crackling Ridge in Vol'dun. They can sometimes be observed empowering themselves or other sethrak with the Stormtouched and Skycaller's Blessing spells, respectively. Many of them are also seen subduing Imprisoned Pterrordax with the Skycaller's Subjugation spell; the pterrordax are freed if the corresponding skycallers are killed.


Out of combat
  • Spell nature callstorm.png Skycaller's Blessing — Empower nearby sethrak with the power of the storm. Damage increased by 10%. Size increased. 60 sec duration.
  • Spell nature callstorm.png Stormtouched — Draw on the power of the storm. Selfcast. Damage increased by 20%. Size increased. 60 sec duration.
In combat
  • Spell nature lightningbolt.png Shock — Shocks the target for Nature damage.


  • For the Emperor!
  • For the glory of the sethrak empire!
  • Let your death be a lesson to the others!
  • Like sand, you will be scattered and forgotten!
  • Our empire's dawn is your extinction!
  • The sands will swallow you!
  • We have dominion over all!
  • We will eradicate you like insects!
  • You cannot stop the sands from spreading!
  • You will shatter like glass!
  • Your lands are next to fall!
  • I failed you... Korthek...
  • My death... will be... avenged...
  • My life... for the empire...
  • The sands... will spread...
  • This cannot be...
  • This is not... the end...
  • We will not... be stopped...
  • You have not... won...

Objective of

Patch changes

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