Report to Hadrec

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HordeReport to Hadrec
Start Apothecary Renferrel
End High Executor Hadrec
Level 16 (Requires 13)
Category Silverpine Forest
Experience 575
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+50 Undercity
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+75 Undercity
Rewards  [Medium Armor Kit] and  [Coarse Weightstone] or  [Coarse Sharpening Stone]
Previous H [16] Thule Ravenclaw
Next H [20] Assault on Fenris Isle

Report to Hadrec is part of The Master of Fenris Isle quest chain.


Report to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.


Before you launch an assault on Fenris Isle, report to High Executor Hadrec. He may have additional information or equipment you'll need.


You will receive:


If what Bethor says is true then Thule Ravenclaw is a force that must be dealt with, and dealt with soon.

To aid in this task, you may take something from our arsenal here...


  1. H [14] The Dead Fields
  2. H [16] The Decrepit Ferry
  3. H [16] Rot Hide Clues
  4. H [17] Rot Hide Ichor
  5. H [17] Rot Hide Origins
  6. H [16] Thule Ravenclaw
  7. H [16] Report to Hadrec
  8. H [20] Assault on Fenris Isle

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