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Removing the Cap

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NeutralRemoving the Cap
Start Great Hexer Ohodo [58.1, 26.1]
End Great Hexer Ohodo [58.1, 26.1]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] Infested Infestation, N [78-80] Prisoner Preservation


Agaricus Festerbloom
Agaricus Festerbloom is the fungarian responsible for the mind controlled beast at Pillar-nest Vosh.

Kill Agaricus Festerbloom.

  • Agaricus Festerbloom slain


Aemara's mention of a large fungarian planting da fungal pods is worrisome. Dere must be someting down in da cave.

We can't wait idly by for the fungarians to attack with a nest of mind-controlled beasts. We must cut da plan off at the head so ta speak.

Go ta the cave in Pillar-nest Vosh and kill da fungarian leader.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


The fungarian leader is slain and his plan put ta a end. Da camp is safer with his demise.


Find the named fungarian in the back of the cave:

Agaricus Festerbloom says: Our spores are eternal!
Agaricus Festerbloom says: Our cycle will continue!

On complete of both:

Great Hexer Ohodo says: Now that the fungarians been stopped Pillar-nest Vosh gonna be less of an issue. Faerin's Advance be safe for now.
Aemara says: I will still be sleeping with one eye open. I won't soon forget the feeling of those webs.
Drog Skullbreaker says: Don't worry, I'll watch and make sure those beasts don't stray too close to camp.
Mimbihi says: I'll brew up some strong drinks that will knock ya right out!


  1. N [78-80] Infested Infestation & N [78-80] Prisoner Preservation
  2. N [78-80] Anti-Fungal Firestarter & N [78-80] Removing the Cap

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