A Fate Most Noble

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NeutralA Fate Most Noble
Start Greeter Mnemis [42.1, 78.2]
End Kleia [42.1, 78.3]
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 6,800
Rewards 23g 63s 40c
Previous N [51-60] Pardon Our Dust
Next N [51-60] Trouble in Paradise


Learn more about the kyrian.


Welcome, Worthy One!

I am Greeter Mnemis. It is my duty and pleasure to assist you on this, your first day among the kyrian.

Allow me to congratulate you. Your fate is reserved for the most noble of souls. Only those who lived a life of service may call Bastion home.

I am certain you have many questions- all new aspirants do! Please allow me the honor of introducing you to the next chapter of your existence.

We will begin when you are ready.


You will receive:

  • 23g 63s 40c
  • 6,800 XP


Please alert me to your needs and concerns, Worthy One.


I hope that was informative and relaxing.


Speak with Mnemis. She has a tree of gossip options.

Mnemis gossip tree


From which world, system, entity, realm, or form of existence do you originate?

Gossip I think there might have been a mistake.

Gossip I have some questions.


We understand that the end of a mortal's existence can feel abrupt, and is sometimes difficult to accept. You are not the first, nor will you be the last, to question the nature of your new existence.

Please take this opportunity to process these facts and find acceptance. When you have done so, we will continue your orientation.

Gossip I am not dead.

Gossip I have some questions.

Gossip Never mind.

Not dead

I do not understand.

From which world, system, entity, realm, or form of existence do you originate?

Gossip I come from Azeroth.

Gossip I come from Draenor. (to orcs and draenei)

Gossip I come from Argus. (to draenei)

Gossip I have some questions.

Gossip Never mind.

Greeter Mnemis says: Greetings, denizen of Azeroth! We have prepared a number of activities to help you acclimate to your new existence.
Greeter Mnemis says: Please visit each station to learn more.
Kleia says: I must prepare my station. I will meet you there!
Kleia runs off.

I possess a wealth of knowledge. What do you wish to know?

Gossip What can you tell me about Bastion?

Gossip What is your purpose?

Gossip What are these little owl-things?

Gossip Who is the Archon?

Gossip What can you tell me about centurions?

Gossip Never mind.


I can tell you that you are fortunate indeed to have arrived in Bastion. To have earned this honor, your mortal life must have truly been selfless and dutiful.

Should you continue to prove worthy, you will spend eternity as a kyrian. You will help ensure souls are conveyed from the realm of the living for judgment before the Arbiter.

No fate in all the Shadowlands is more desirable!

Gossip I have something else to ask. (back to Questions)


My Archon-given purpose is to ensure all new arrivals are acclimated to the next step in their existence. I exist to teach others about the kyrian.

It is my honor and privilege to address you.

Gossip I have something else to ask. (back to Questions)


<Greeter Mnemis makes a series of chiming sounds.>

Ah. Owls. In your realm, these are nocturnal avians, yes?

<Greeter Mnemis gestures to Sika.>

This is a steward. They manifest from Bastion's anima to aid the kyrian in their day to day tasks. They love nothing more than to be of service.

Gossip I have something else to ask. (back to Questions)


The Archon rules our realm. She is the most stalwart and dedicated of the Eternal Ones.

It is by her will that Bastion carries out its purpose in the Shadowlands. There is much more to say about this ancient being, but such glories do not befit the ears of an aspirant.

Perhaps when you achieve your wings, you may find yourself in her presence.


Centurions. These constructs, brought to life by anima, serve many purposes in Bastion.

They aid our aspirants in training, defend our lands, and perform menial tasks if needed. Some, such as the Mnemis classification like myself, curate a wealth of knowledge on behalf of the Archives.

Gossip I have something else to ask. (back to Questions)

Mnemis still has a gossip tree if players still wish to speak with him:

Greetings. I am known as Mnemis. My function is to welcome those newly arrived to Bastion.

How may I be of assistance?

Gossip I have some questions.

After answering "Mistake", "Not dead", "Azeroth", Kleia will run off and the quest will continue. Head to the four quest markers in any order.


To the northwest is an auditorium filled with Benches:

Kyrian Aspirant says: Please take a seat. A presentation is about to begin.

Interact with a bench and the Image of Greeter Mnemis begins a presentation:

Image of Greeter Mnemis says: Welcome, new aspirants, to the first step in your journey through Bastion.
Image of Greeter Mnemis says: While you venture among us, we will teach you the virtues of Purity, Courage, Humility, Wisdom, and Loyalty.
Image of Greeter Mnemis says: You will cleanse yourself of your mortal flaws and ascend to a higher state of being, capable of performing our most sacred and difficult task.
Image of Greeter Mnemis says: We have much to teach you, but have no fear! Your journey is your own, and you may walk the path at your own pace.


To the northeast, Kleia is tending the ritual pool:

Kleia says: Step into the pool, <name>.

In the pool, players have a bonus ability:

While channeling, the shadow of a Mawsworn kyrian appears:

Kleia says: Passing through the veil can be traumatic. Allow us to cleanse the pain of that ordeal.
An image of Tariesh spawns.
Kleia says: What is that? It looks like a kyrian, but it is... twisted.
Kleia says: How strange... Carry on with your learning. I will meet you near the Greeter.


To the southeast are several Compendiums of Arrival:

Kyrian Aspirant says: Welcome. Please add your name to the list of noble souls who now call Bastion home.

Interact with any of them:

Image of Greeter Mnemis says: All deeds from your previous life will be collected and stored. The Archives compile the histories of countless mortal worlds as seen through the eyes of aspirants like yourself.


To the southwest is a Pure Thought Vesper:

Kyrian Aspirant says: The bells of Bastion will calm your soul. Listen, and be at peace.

Interact with it:

Image of Greeter Mnemis says: The vespers of Bastion are no ordinary instruments. Their voices bolster the spirit and draw forth the lingering burdens of one's former life.


  1. N [51-60] Welcome to Eternity
  2. N [51-60] Pardon Our Dust
  3. N [51-60] A Fate Most Noble
  4. N [51-60] Trouble in Paradise
  5. N [51-60] Walk the Path, Aspirant
  6. N [51-60] The Things That Haunt Us and N [51-60] A Soulbind In Need
    • Optional side chain:
    1. N [51-60] The Old Ways
    2. N [51-60] A Gift for An Acolyte
    3. N [51-60] More Than A Gift

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.

  • Name: Remember: This is Forever

"Accept" your fate.


Greetings, Worthy One!

I am designated Greeter Mnemis. I am here to provide information and resources so you can embrace your new existence.

You are here because it is fated.

You are here because you have lived a life of service, and so the Arbiter has determined that you shall serve in eternity. There is no higher honor.

This is a great deal to take in. Speak with me, and I will ensure all of your questions are answered!

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