Refreshment Vendor

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For the Hearthstone Anniversary NPC, see Refreshment Vendor (NPC).
MobRefreshment Vendor
Image of Refreshment Vendor
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 30-50 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Crapopolis, MOTHERLODE!!
Status Killable

Refreshment Vendors are goblins located in Crapopolis in the MOTHERLODE!! They seem to be high on  [Kaja'Cola], spouting out random ideas.


  • Ability mage waterjet.png Iced Spritzer — Blasts an enemy with a jet of icy cold spritzer, inflicting 7 Frost damage every 1 sec and reducing movement speed by 15% for 6 sec. The final tick of Iced Spritzer will trigger Brain Freeze.
    • Spell deathknight mindfreeze.png Brain Freeze — An Iced Spritzer, consumed too quickly, freezes the player and their brain, stunning them for 6 sec.
  • Inv drink 21.png Kaja'Cola Refresher — Throws a frosty Kaja'Cola to a nearby ally, healing them for 5% of maximum health every 2 sec for %d.


  • A whistle that brings flight masters to you!
  • Bards!
  • Bunkboats! We'll save so much room in the ocean for more activities. I call top!
  • Cars that drive on water instead of land!
  • It's like you think I'm made of gold or something!
  • Reusable chewing gum! Share it with your friends, your pets, or even strangers!
  • Some kind of arcane crystal that makes you better in every way! A bit unstable, maybe, but that's ok!
  • Toilet paper shotguns! Think of all the time you could save!
  • Transblahgrifier. Makes terrible ideas less bad!
  • You dumb lout! Those were expensive!

Patch changes

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