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Razzi the Shaper

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NeutralRazzi the Shaper
Image of Razzi the Shaper
Title <Azerite Reforger>
Race Ethereal (Humanoid)
Level 110
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Azerite Reforger
Location Tradewinds Market, Boralus[72, 13.4]
Status Alive

Razzi the Shaper is an ethereal located at Tradewinds Market in Boralus. He can reforge Azerite gear, allowing you to choice the Azerite powers you want on that piece of gear again. Razzi's cost for reshaping an Azerite armor piece starts at 5g and doubles every time an item is reforged. This cost will decay by around 25% on each weekly server reset.

He resides in the same shop as transmogrifier Warpweaver Ezil and Master of Fate Tezran.



Greetings, <race>. You have something you wish reforged?

The power of Azerite is limitless. Lucky for you my prices are not.

Gossip Reforge an item.

Patch changes

External links