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Ravenous Gorger

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This article is about the mobs in Ardenweald. For the mobs in Korthia, see Ravenous Gorger (Korthia). For the mobs in Zereth Mortis, see Ravenous Gorger (Zereth Mortis).
MobRavenous Gorger
No image available
Race Devourer (Aberration)
Level 10-58 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Elder Stand, Ardenweald
Status Killable

Ravenous Gorgers are devourers located at Elder Stand in Ardenweald.


  • Ability warrior charge.png Trampling Charge — The caster charges forward, trampling all enemies in a line in front of them, inflicting Physical damage and knocking the target prone, incapacitating them for 3 sec.
  • Spell fire blueimmolation.png Consuming Strikes — Consumes a portion of the target's essence, causing melee attacks to heal the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted.
  • Ability mage netherwindpresence.png Siphon Anima — Draw the anima from a target creature.


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