Ravenclaw Apparition

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NeutralRavenclaw Apparition
Image of Ravenclaw Apparition
Race Wraith (Undead)
Level 24
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Thule Ravenclaw
Location Dead Field, Silverpine Forest

Ravenclaw Apparitions are wraiths that enter the Dead Field from time to time and encourage the gnolls to attack the forsaken. They are sent by Thule Ravenclaw.


My minions...
The time for conquest approaches quickly.
The rebels of Lordaeron are small, and weak, and know not the joy of serving our Lich King.
Make ready for battle, my creations.
We will drive our foes from Silverpine, then bring the very tides of war to their very capital!
Death, and praise the Lich King!
A few or just one Gnoll will cheer
My minions..
Soon your thirst for destruction will be quenched.
The rebels of Lordaeron are small, and weak, and know not the joy of serving our Lich King.
Prepare yourselves, for we will soon launch an assault agianst they who called themselves "The Forsaken."
The dark lady’s followers are blind to think they can stand against our might.
These undead rabble, and their dead-elf queen, will fall!
Death, and praise the Lich King!
A few or just one Gnoll will cheer

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External links

es:Aparecido Corvozarpa