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Image of Rae'ana
Title <Historian and Research Supplier>
Gender Female
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 60-62
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Wingrest Embassy & Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shores
Status Alive
Beta appearance.

Rae'ana is a nightborne located at the Wingrest Embassy and Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.


Inv glyph majordruid.png [Cliffside Wylderdrake: Red Scales]
1 Awakened Fire400 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc shovel 02.png [Excavator's Chisel]
3 Adamant Scales150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv mace 1h newplayer a 01.png [Excavator's Mallet]
3 Resilient Leather150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv knife 1h common b 01.png [Excavator's Punch]
3 Resilient Leather150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv mace 1h miningshovel a 01.png [Excavator's Trowel]
3 Adamant Scales150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv axe 1h miningpick a 01.png [Expedition Excavator]
5 Serevite Ore600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc bomb 05.png [Expedition Explosives]
15 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph majormage.png [Highland Drake: Red Scales]
1 Awakened Fire400 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv engineering sonicenvironmentenhancer.png [Quack-E Quack Modulator]
1000 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Brown Hair]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Curved Spiked Brow]
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph majordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Harrier Pattern]
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Maned Crest]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Spiked Club Tail]
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Spiked Jaw]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Spined Brow]
50 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Swept Horns]
100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv professions inscription scribesmagnifyingglass silver.png [Researcher's Magnifier]
5 Tallstrider Sinew600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv 10 tailoring2 pillow red.png [Skinny Reliquary Pillow]
20 Tattered Wildercloth2 Spool of Wilderthread100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc 1h blacksmithshovel a 01.png [Small Expedition Shovel]
15 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv 10 tailoring2 pillow black.png [Small Triangular Pillow]
20 Tattered Wildercloth2 Spool of Wilderthread100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv 10 tailoring2 pillow purple.png [Soft Purple Pillow]
20 Tattered Wildercloth2 Spool of Wilderthread100 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc questionmark.png [Trusty Sweeper]
3 Tuft of Primal Wool600 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph majorhunter.png [Windborne Velocidrake: Red Scales]
1 Awakened Fire400 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv glyph majorwarrior.png [Winding Slitherdrake: Red Scales]
1 Awakened Fire400 Dragon Isles Supplies


Objective of



Every artifact reveals to us a hidden piece of this land's great history.

And there is so much we have yet to learn. Have you found anything worth studying lately?

Buy I would like to see the supplies and items you have.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Esteemed Explorer what can I do for you today? Have you found another artifact?


Patch changes

External links