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Start Scooty
End Scooty
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Gnomeregan


Find Wirdal Wondergear's Quadrangulation Beacons and attune with them. There are four of them and they are located somewhere in Kalimdor.


Wirdal? Yeah I know him. He's a gnome, but I won't hold that against him as a fellow transpolyportion enthusiast like myself. He took off outta here a few months back for somewhere in Kalimdor, but he 'ports in every now and then to grab supplies. I could probably transpolyport you to him, but you'd need his coordinates or I'd probably just teleport you into a mountain or something. If you can find his quadrangulation beacons in Kalimdor and attuned to them, that would do the trick!




Wow, you found 'em. Give me a second to plug in the coordinates and calibrate the transponder....

... and there we go! I think that should do the trick.


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