Qalashi Flameshatter

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MobQalashi Flameshatter
Image of Qalashi Flameshatter
Gender Both
Race Djaradin (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Qalashi
Location Waking Shores
Status Killable

Qalashi Flameshatters are djaradin located at Scalecracker Keep in the Waking Shores.


  • Spell shaman lavaburst.png Magma Bolt — Hurl magma at an enemy, inflicting Volcanic damage, slowing enemies by 30%, and inflicting Volcanic damage over 10 sec.
  • Ability mage livingbomb.png Soul Ignition — Ignite an ally, inflicting 50 Fire damage over 10 sec. If the target dies while affected by Soul Ignition, they explode inflicting 20 Fire damage to all enemies within 5 yards.

Objective of


  • Elements... betray me...
  • I burn... bright...

Patch changes

External links