Pyrestar Demolisher

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Not to be confused with Pyrestar Demolisher (Suramar).
HordePyrestar Demolisher
Image of Pyrestar Demolisher
Race Arcane golem (Mechanical)
Level 37
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunreaver Onslaught
Location Dawnseeker Promontory, Isle of Thunder [34.9, 38.1]
Status Killable

The Pyrestar Demolisher is a powerful Arcane golem created by the Sunreaver Onslaught to protect the Dawnseeker Promontory.[1]


  • Arcane Amplifier 100 yd range — Instant. Summons an Arcane Amplifier that has 70,000 health and the following abilities:
    • Arcane Amplifier — Inflicts 20,670 to 21,730 Arcane damage to enemies within 5 yards and increases damage dealt by nearby allies by 25%. Instant. Cast while "alive".
    • Malfunctioning Arcane Amplifier — Increases damage dealt by nearby allies by 25%. Instant. Cast while "dead".
  • Spell arcane invocation.png Charged Beam 50 yd range — 1.38 sec cast. Interruptible. Hits for 50,000 Arcane.


Interrupt the Charged Beam casts and immediately kill any summoned Arcane Amplifiers, so instead of them doing damage and increasing the Pyrestar's damage by 25%, they will malfunction and buff players' damage output by 25% instead.

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  1. ^ A [32-35P Daily] Made for War

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