Prophet of Akali

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MobProphet of Akali
Image of Prophet of Akali
Gender Male
Race Ice troll (Humanoid)
Level 20-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Prophet
Location Zol'Heb, Zul'Drak
Status Killable

Prophet of Akali is summoned by  [Prophet of Akali Convocation] in Zol'Heb in Zul'Drak.


  • Spell holy powerinfusion.png Akali's Immunity — Consume a small portion of Akali's power to make yourself immune to all damage and effects.
  • Spell deathknight bloodtap.png Akali's Ritual of Annihilation — A ritual that will utterly annihilate the bodies and souls of those targeted. There's no coming back from this.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Akali's Stun — Use Akali's power to render all of your opponents helpless.
  • Spell fire flare.png Darting Flames — Flames dart from the caster's hands, dealing Fire damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Drain Power — Drain the remainder of Akali's power. Most of it will go to his master in Guldrak below the grate, but the prophet will take some for himself as well. Akali will die at the end of the cast.
  • Spell fire burnout.png Incinerate — Deals (85.7% of Spell power) Fire damage to your target.
  • Spell shadow possession.png Submission — Force Akali to submit and calm himself, returning to his place over the Gundrak grate.

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