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Prison Guard (Alliance)

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AlliancePrison Guard
Image of Prison Guard
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 40-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Stormshield Stronghold, Ashran
Status Alive

Prison Guard is a worgen found guarding the Horde prisoners in Stormshield Stronghold, Ashran.


We aren't the only ones with prisoners, <name>.
Over at the Horde base lies their prison, underneath the relief hut to the left when you go through the main gate. If we can find some of those Warspear Prison Keys in Ashran, we can break them free.

We aren't the only ones with Prisoners, <name>.

Over at the Horde base lies their prison, underneath the relief hut to the left when you go through their main gate.

If we can find some of those Warspear Prison Keys in Ashran, we can break them free.

See also

Patch changes

External links