Prince Magni Bronzebeard's Silver Coin

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  • Prince Magni Bronzebeard's Silver Coin
  • "I hope that my father and brothers outlive me. I'll not make much of a king."
  • Sell Price: 62c

Prince Magni Bronzebeard's Silver Coin is fished from the fountain in the Eventide district of Dalaran

Criteria of

Required for  Silver in the City


Magni Bronzebeard is the king of the Ironforge dwarves and the older brother of Muradin and Brann Bronzebeard. Until Wrath of the Lich King, Magni was the only one of the three Bronzebeard brothers to be seen in game and believed to be alive.

From the World of Warcraft Manual on Magni Bronzebeard:

"Magni loved his two brothers above all else in the world. During the recent fall of Lordaeron, his middle brother Muradin was killed by the Death Knight Arthas. Magni was overcome with grief at the news of Muradin demise, but he and his youngest brother, Brann remained steadfast in their desire to continue serving the dwarven people. Brann an explorer of some renowned went missing a few months ago, and King has lost hope that Brann still lives. Though he remains a wise and strong leader, his pain and sorrow weigh heavily upon him."[1]

Ironically, despite the fact that originally it seemed as if the opposite of what he wished for transpired (him being the last surviving brother) as of Cataclysm, his wish is granted (with the exception of his father outliving him).

Patch changes


External links