Pressure is Mounting

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NeutralPressure is Mounting
Start Rendel Firetongue[46.9, 47.2]
End Rendel Firetongue[46.9, 47.2]
Level 81 (Requires 80)
Category Kelp'thar Forest
Experience 27700
Rewards 7g 80s
Previous Alliance A [30-35] All or Nothing
Horde H [30-35] Blood and Thunder!
Next N [81] A Test of Wills


Collect 3 Shark Sinews from Ravenous Threshers and 2 Sharpened Clab Claws from Sabreclaw Skitterers.

Ravenous Threshers can also be summoned to you by using  [Crab Entrails]


G'day, <laddie/lassie>.

The name's Rendel.

Seems ol' Monanah and I got here in the nick of time, eh?

Erunak Stonespeaker wasn't kiddin' when he said it was life or death!

While he's tryin' to find us a safe place to hole up, I'm gunna take a stab at securin' you a critter to ride.

Now I may not be up on all the ins an' outs of life in the sea, but it looked to me like them naga know how to get around down here.

You round up a few widgets for a bridle and I'll work up an enchantment.


You will receive: 7g 80s


You gathered them goodies yet, <laddie/lassie>?


These should do the trick, <race>.

I just put this in here, and tie it around that thing over there, then... yep, good to go!


While searching for and killing crabs, the  [Crumpled Treasure Map] will drop, which starts N [30-35] Kliklak's Craw. Additionally, Adarrah can be found west-northwest of the Shallow's End waiting at a nearby air pocket at [53.5, 43.0]. She offers the escort quest N [30-35] Gimme Shelter! looking for safe passage to the Smuggler's Hole just north of her.

Crabs are on the seafloor. Sharks are up closer to the surface.

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