Preservation or Devastation

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NeutralPreservation or Devastation
Start Scalecommander Emberthal
End Scalecommander Emberthal
Level 58-60
Category Dracthyr, Awaken
Race IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Dracthyr
Class Evoker Evoker
Experience 990
Rewards  [Crimson Dracthyr Battlegear Leggings]
2g 57s 40c
Shareable Yes
Previous N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Rally to Emberthal
Next N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Froststone Vault


Choose a specialization.

  • Activate a Talent Spec


If what these dragons say is true, then a great battle is upon us. We need you focused and strong, evoker.

Time to choose your battle specialization. Will you preserve your allies, or devastate your enemies?

To hone your combat skills to their sharpest, choose Devastation.

To maximize your healing potential, take the path of Preservation.

Either specialization will serve you well. And remember, you can change or adapt it later.


You will receive:




Excellent choice.

Remember, you can reconsider your specialization and adjust abilities as needed--so long as you are not in the heat of battle.


A window pops up.

What specialization will you choose?
Devastation is a specialization in magic and tactics that involve rapid deployment, mid-ranged area of effect damage, and unleashing the power of the Red and Blue dragonflights.
With this specialization, an Evoker can rain fire down from the sky on swarms of opponents and manuever[sic] throughout the battlefield.
Choosing Devastation grants Pyre as well as Mastery: Giantkiller.
Preservation is a specialization devoted to protecting life. Evokers can quickly dash to injured allies and release powerful area of effect healing.
Wield the power of the Emerald Dream to bathe allies in revitalizing energy and the Bronze sands of time to prevent harm, replicate healing, and even rewind injuries.
Choosing Preservation grants Dream Breath as well as Mastery: Life-Binder.

In case the window is closed, speak with Emberthal again:

Gossip What specializations are available?


  1. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Preservation or Devastation
  2. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Froststone Vault
  3. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Prize Inside

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