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Prelate Kaj'ra

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MobPrelate Kaj'ra
Image of Prelate Kaj'ra
Gender Female
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 120
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Horde
Former affiliation(s) Zandalari prelates, Zandalari Empire
Occupation Prelate
Location Terrace of the Chosen, Dazar'alor
Status Killable

Prelate Kaj'ra is a Zandalari troll located in the Terrace of the Chosen in Dazar'alor.


  • Spell holy innerfire.png Consecration — Summons a patch of holy ground under the caster, inflicting 10 Holy damage to all players standing in it. Additionally, Consecration reduces damage taken by the caster by 50%.
  • Spell holy holybolt.png Holy Light — Calls upon Holy magic to heal an ally.
  • Light of the Loa

Objective of


I will not be made a puppet for Bwonsamdi!
No! I will not walk de Other... Side...

Patch changes

External links