Payback's a Mammoth

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NeutralPayback's a Mammoth
Start Old Grimtusk [58.5, 33.5]
End Old Grimtusk [58.5, 33.5]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Suffusion Camps
An overladen mammoth waiting to be wrangled


Mount an Overladen Mammoth and return it to your lines.

  • Liberate an Overladen Hauler
  • Return the mammoth to safety


Trying to kill me I can forgive, but attacking my Hideaway? Now it's personal.

The djaradin are loading their mammoths with all the ingots they can bear to get them back to their precious Fyrakk.

Hijack one and bring it back here, cargo and all.


You will receive:


What are you waiting for? A thaw?


Now that's a statement!


Look for yellow-orange Overladen Haulers in the area. Hop on and fend off tarasek boarders by attacking or interrupting their cast, then return the magmammoth to Old Grimtusk.


  1. N [70] Fyrakk's Forces
  2. N [70] Suffusion Camp
  3. One of:

Patch changes

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