Aerial Support

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NeutralAerial Support
Start Somnikus [75.2, 69.3]
End Somnikus [75.2, 69.3]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Suffusion Camps
Reputation +50 Loamm Niffen
+150 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
Primalist Portal


Weaken the portals' defenses.


The Primalist portals must be destroyed if we are to prevent them from infusing these raw materials with elemental energy.

Unfortunately, their structures are too heavily warded for any single attack, whether mortal or draconic, to do lasting harm.

Together, though, there is a way.

Take this seed. Use it to weaken their defenses and we be able to strike before they have a chance to react.


You will receive:


We are counting on you, <class>.


Well done. That should put them behind schedule.


Look for Primalist Portals (much like the ones in Storm's Fury) and interact with them to channel a spell on them as Somnikus uses [Whirling Surge] on them to destroy the portals.


  1. N [70] Fyrakk's Forces
  2. N [70] Suffusion Camp
  3. One of:

Patch changes

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