Patricia Eyesley

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HordePatricia Eyesley
Image of Patricia Eyesley
Title <Herbalism Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 7-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Eastpoint Tower, Hillsbrad Foothills
Status Active

Patricia Eyesley is a Forsaken herbalism vendor located at Eastpoint Tower in the Hillsbrad Foothills.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

She was present during the Legion Invasions.


Item Cost
Alchemy vials and herbalism items
20x  [Crystal Vial] 4s
 [Herb Pouch] 10s


Legion Invasion
  • Kind words, <name>. Perhaps our forces could benefit from some fresh supplies. I'll gather what I can.


  • She is a reference to the Batman character Poison Ivy since her name is very similar to Poison Ivy's real name of Pamela Isley and she (like Poison Ivy) deals with plants.

Patch changes

External links

Hillsbrad Foothills Legion Invasion