Patient Potter

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NeutralPatient Potter
Image of Patient Potter
Gender Both
Race Niffen (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Loamm, Zaralek Cavern
Status Alive

Patient Potters are niffen located next to Kiln-Singer Malraka in Loamm in Zaralek Cavern.


  • Ooh, I hope she does mine next! I've been waiting a full month to get this batch of pans fired.
  • Watching the Kiln-Singer is such a joy! Her work is an art, and her technique? Flawless!
  • you think she'll sign the dish I want fired?
  • I could watch Malraka for hours. She's so dedicated! But she probably doesn't even know that I exist.

Patch changes

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