Paige Chaddis

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AlliancePaige Chaddis
Image of Paige Chaddis
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Stormwind City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Karlee Chaddis (mother), Gil (brother)

Paige Chaddis and her mother Karlee Chaddis and brother Gil take an extended tour of Stormwind, finally ending at Ancient Curios in the Mage Quarter.


While in Ancient Curios she takes part in the following dialog:

Karlee Chaddis says: Hello, Charys. I have my list, could you get me all of that, especially the last ingredient.
Paige Chaddis says: Mommy? Can I pet Fizzles?
Karlee Chaddis says: Sure, Paige. Just be gentle.
Gil says: Billy says Fizzles used to be a great wizard. But he got turned into a rabbit when one of his spells went bad.
Karlee Chaddis says: Thanks, Charys. C'mon Paige, sweetie.


Patch changes

External links

es:Paige Chaddis