Outfitter Mendelev

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NeutralOutfitter Mendelev
Image of Outfitter Mendelev
Title <Cloth Armor>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Argent Crusade
Location Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands
Status Alive

Outfitter Mendelev is a human standing in a tent in Hearthglen in the Western Plaguelands.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv shirt 17.png [Embroidered Armor]
4g 11s 80c
Inv belt 08.png [Embroidered Belt]
2g 14s 15c
Inv boots 05.png [Embroidered Boots]
3g 11s 73c
Inv bracer 13.png [Embroidered Bracers]
2g 14s 92c
Inv gauntlets 18.png [Embroidered Gloves]
2g 10s 93c
Inv helmet 33.png [Embroidered Hat]
3g 25s 74c
Inv pants 08.png [Embroidered Pants]
4g 14s 88c
Inv belt 26.png [Russet Belt]
81s 96c
Inv boots 05.png [Russet Boots]
1g 14s 19c
Inv bracer 07.png [Russet Bracers]
82s 25c
Inv gauntlets 18.png [Russet Gloves]
77s 30c
Inv helmet 33.png [Russet Hat]
1g 17s 64c
Inv pants 10.png [Russet Pants]
1g 51s 97c
Inv shirt 14.png [Russet Vest]
1g 50s 83c

Objective of



Can I help you?

Buy I would like to buy from you.

Main article: The Good People of Hearthglen#Notes

Patch changes

External links