Otter Devastation

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NeutralOtter Devastation
Start Brix Rocketcast
End Brix Rocketcast
Level 60-70
Type Daily
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 1,150
Reputation +100 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards Achievement profession fishing findfish.png Restock Fish
 [Ominous Conch]
2g 57s 40c


Scare off the Pesky Ottuks.


Hey there, friend. These here ottuks keep stealin' my catch!

Personally, I'd blow 'em up, but our Tuskarr friends don't seem too keen on that action. I made this here Ottuk Deterent Device MK-SH4RK, but... I aint a great swimmer.

You seem like you got the goods, why don't ya do us all a favor, activate the device, swimmy-swim around over there, and scare 'em off?


The following will be cast on you:

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You get rid of them pesky ottuks yet?


'Ey! Great job, buddy. Now let's chum these waters good!

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