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Image of Orida
Title <Dornogal Caretaker>
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level Dornogal
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen
Location Dornogal

Orida is an earthen caretaker found atop the mountainside southwest of Dornogal where she can be seen taking care of the tribute stones and the shutdown earthen found in that place.



Welcome, outlander. Have you come to offer your respects?

The tribute stones you see around you are engraved with the names of lost Oathsworn--either those stuck within the machine or those whose physical forms have been lost.

While most Oathsworn go about their duty and maintain hope the Machine will restore our kin to their cycles, some utilize these sites to remember and honor those who have been lost.

Gossip Who are the earthen next to the tribute stones?

They are not statues. They are Oathsworn who have chosen this place as their shutdown site, in the company of their remembered friends or loved ones carved upon the tribute stones.

Since the Awakening Machine is offline and the Stonevault is at full capacity, this leaves little option for Oathsworn who draw ever closer to stasis-lock.

As Caretaker, it is my duty to tend to those who have stasis-locked and maintain their forms so that one day, when the Machines function again, those who have shut down can resume their cycle and return to us.
  • Orida gently clears away dirt and debris from the stasis-locked earthen.
  • Orida carefully prunes the flowers on the shutdown earthen.
  • Orida adjusts the ivy growing along the deactivated earthen, pinching off leaves as she works.
  • Orida clears the dust from the tribute stone, humming to herself as she works.

Patch changes

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