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On Cold, Dark Wings

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NeutralOn Cold, Dark Wings
Start Watcher Toki
End Watcher Toki
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 5,450
Rewards 11g 70s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Cogs in the Machine


The Ringing Death
It stalks the dark places around Gundargaz on cold, dark wings.

Track down The Ringing Death in Gundargaz.

  • The Ringing Death slain


You came down the Coreway, right? From up top?

<Toki chuckles.>

They have it easy, those city earthen. Down here, death comes for you from all around.

From below.

From above.

You look like you've killed a fair few beasts in your time. Care to add another to the list?


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,450 XP


Keep quiet, that's my advice.




The Ringing Death is hanging from a pipe on the southeastern side of Gundargaz.


  1. N [73-75] Into the Deeps
  2. N [73-75] Underground and Overwhelmed & N [73-75] Getting Off Track
  3. N [73-75] Pomp and Dire Circumstance
  4. N [73-75] Cogs in the Machine
  5. N [73-75] Speaking to the Speakers
  6. N [73-75] Leave No Stone Behind, N [73-75] Kobold Shoulder, & N [73-75] Death and Waxes
  7. N [73-75] Engineering Destruction & N [73-75] Cracking Cogchewer
  8. N [73-75] Retaking the Mines
  9. N [73-75] Manifesto Destiny
  10. N [73-75] Ko-boldening & N [73-75] Not Waste, Not Want
  11. N [73-75] Tackling Torchsnarl & N [73-75] Wax On, Pot Off
  12. N [73-75] New Candle, New Hope
  13. N [73-75] Back to Gundargaz

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