Olnayvi Copperpinch

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Feast of Winter Veil
The subject of this article or section is part of Feast of Winter Veil, a seasonal event that lasts several weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
NeutralOlnayvi Copperpinch
Image of Olnayvi Copperpinch
Title <Smokywood Pastures>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Smokywood Pastures
Occupation Vendor
Location Shattrath City[60.0, 55.9]

Olnayvi Copperpinch is a goblin vendor located in Shattrath City during the Feast of Winter Veil. He is affiliated with Smokywood Pastures and sells higher value holiday-related items. His low-value counterpart is Eebee Jinglepocket.


Inv drink 15.png 5x [Blended Bean Brew]
1s 25c
Inv misc food 10.png 5x [Graccu's Homemade Meat Pie]
Inv food christmasfruitcake 01.png 5x [Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake]
99g 99s
Inv drink 13.png [Greatfather's Winter Ale]
Inv drink milk 05.png 5x [Green Garden Tea]
Inv misc food 03.png 5x [Holiday Cheesewheel]
1s 25c
Inv misc food 99.png 5x [Honeyed Holiday Ham]
Inv drink 22.png 5x [Sparkling Apple Cider]
Inv misc food 49.png 5x [Spicy Beefstick]
Inv drink 11.png [Steamwheedle Fizzy Spirits]
1s 50c


  • Like all Smokywood Pastures merchants, Olnavyvi is named after a large American store chain. Olnavyvi is named after the clothing store chain Old Navy.

Patch changes

See also

External links