Old Stomping Grounds

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NecrolordOld Stomping Grounds
Start Toothpick
End Rathan
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Weekly
Category Abominable Stitching
Reputation +750 Stitchmasters
Rewards  [Superior Parts]
 [Salvaged Supplies]


Collect 15 Lost Animacones. Use Toothpick's World Shaker to unearth them.


Once, long ago, I journeyed to Ardenweald to assist in putting down a threat now long forgotten.

I remember that while there, I saw small creatures taking tiny clusters of anima--animacones, the fae called them--and buried them under the soil.

If those clusters are still there, we must gather them for ourselves!

I should be able to unearth any of the animacones we encounter. Let's go hunt for them!


You will receive:

You will receive:
Tradeskill abominationstitching bodyparts.png [Superior Parts] Inv crate 06.png [Salvaged Supplies]

It also has a chance to award  [Stitched Wraith's Armguards].


Did you find the anima?


Thank you, Maw Walker. This extra anima will tremendously aid our efforts.

Criteria of


  • The quest's ID was used by N [60] Worm Food during the beta.

Patch changes

External links