Ol' Waxbeard

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BossOl' Waxbeard
Image of Ol' Waxbeard
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Darkflame Cleft
Darkflame Cleft

Template:Darkflame Cleft

Ol' Waxbeard is a boss in Darkflame Cleft.

Adventure Guide

Howdy! Sit a spell. Hear about Ol' Waxbeard. Kobolds respect this old-timer for tamin' Wick, the rowdiest mole in creation! Waxbeard's seen folks come n' go. Now Candle King's in charge. That don't change nothin'! Ya still need to stay off his property! Why are here? Go on! Get!


Ol' Waxbeard summons waves of kobolds and deadly minecarts that run over all units. He marks priority targets for his allies with Luring Candleflame and spurs Wick into a Reckless Charge towards a distant player, devastating players and kobolds alike in his path.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Menial Laborers quickly become a threat as they survive, due to Crude Weapons.
  • Ol' Waxbeard's Reckless Charge, the resulting Cave-In, and speeding minecarts all instantly kill Menial Laborers.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Luring Candleflame draws all Menial Laborers to focus the target.
  • Ol' Waxbeard's Reckless Charge, the resulting Cave-In, and speeding minecarts all instantly kill Menial Laborers.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Menial Laborers quickly become a threat as they survive, due to Crude Weapons.
  • Ol' Waxbeard's Rock Buster causes the target to take increased Physical damage for a brief period.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

  • Inv misc head kobold 01.png "Kol"-to-Arms — Ol' Waxbeard calls Menial Laborers into battle on foot or by minecart.
    • Ability hunter survivalinstincts.png High Speed Collision — The minecart slams into anything in its path knocking back and inflicting 1149907-3293597 Physical damage to players it strikes. Fatal to Menial Laborers.
  • Menial Laborers — Menial Laborers will fixate random nearby players when they enter the fray.
      • Inv axe 1h miningpick a 01.png Crude Weapons — Menial Laborers' attacks inflicts 0 Physical Damage every 1 sec for 5 Sec. This effect stacks.
  • Ability foundryraid traindeath.png Underhanded Track-tics Mythic Difficulty — Menial Laborers sneak a dynamite laden cart onto the nearby tracks. If it is not destroyed within 20 sec, it explodes inflicting 1006169-2881898 Fire damage to all players with an additional 574953-1646799 Fire damage every 1 sec for 20 Sec.
  • Ability hunter survivalinstincts.png Reckless Charge Important — Ol' Waxbeard commands Wick to charge towards the furthest player. This attack knocks back and inflicts 0 Physical damage to all players and triggers a Cave-In at the end of the charge. Fatal to Menial Laborers.
    • Shaman pvp rockshield.png Cave-In — Ol' Waxbeard's charge reverberates through the cave, dropping boulders above each player after a short delay. Boulders inflict 718692-2058498 Nature damage within 4 yards. Fatal to Menial Laborers.
  • Ability fixated state red.png Luring Candleflame Healer Alert — Waxbeard throws a fresh lit candle at a random player. The burning wax inflicts 57495-164680 Fire damage every 0.5 sec and causes all Menial Laborers to fixate on that target for 10 Sec.
  • Inv axe 1h 6dr pickaxe a 01.png Rock Buster Tank Alert — Ol' Waxbeard pierces his current target's armor with their pickaxe, inflicting 1926094-5516775 Physical damage and increases Physical damage taken by 25% for 6 Sec.

Related achievements





    • Conductor's Wax Whistle
      • H
      • M
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    • Mole Knight's Grimemail
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      • M
    • Rail Rider's Bisector
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      • M
    • Wick's Golden Loop
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      • M

Patch changes

External links