Officer Mirenda

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AllianceOfficer Mirenda
Image of Officer Mirenda
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 100 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Occupation Officer
Location Mess Hall, Stormshield

Officer Mirenda can be found in the Mess Hall in Stormshield. She and Danel Hornbark are discussing his latest exploits.


  • Danel Hornbark says: I came across a Horde patrol trying to sweep around one of our outposts today.
Officer Mirenda says: Did you, now? Were you spotted?
Danel Hornbark says: Yeah, one of em saw me. Knife to the eye took care of that.
Officer Mirenda says: Let me guess, subtlety is not your strong suit.
  • Danel Hornbark says: I got myself a shiny new knife when I was out scouting today.
Officer Mirenda says: Oh yeah? Where did you find it?
Danel Hornbark says: Belly of one of them goren.
Officer Mirenda says: You found a knife in the stomach of a goren? What made you even think of cutting it open?
Danel Hornbark says: Where else do you think one of them things would keep its loot?

Patch changes

External links

es:Oficial Mirenda