Offerings to G'huun

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AllianceOfferings to G'huun
Start Brann Bronzebeard
End Brann Bronzebeard
Level 35-60
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous A [35-60] Nazmani Cultists
Next A [35-60] Captain Conrad


Destroy 8 Offerings to G'huun in Zul'Nazman.


Been watchin' these cultists with both good eyes.

Those big glowin' jars o' theirs look important.

Opened one up and it sent a shiver down me spine, but nothin' seemed worth the takin'.

If it ain't worth stealin', I guess it's worth smashin'.


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


What did the five fingers say to the vase?


Doesn't seem ta be much o' value out here in this cursed jungle. Why'd Captain Conrad think they were worth tradin' with?


  1. A [35-60] Foothold: Nazmir
  2. A [35-60] Heart of Darkness
  3. A [35-60] Dubious Offering
  4. A [35-60] Blood of Hir'eek & A [35-60] Honoring the Fallen
  5. A [35-60] Zealots of Zalamar
  6. A [35-60] Flight from the Fall
  7. A [35-60] Zul'Nazman
  8. A [35-60] Nazmani Cultists & A [35-60] Offerings to G'huun
  9. A [35-60] Captain Conrad
  10. A [35-60] Lessons of the Damned
  11. A [35-60] Champion: John J. Keeshan
  12. A [35-60] Return to Boralus

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