Numismatics (Alliance)

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Start Krom Stoutarm
End Krom Stoutarm
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Ironforge
Rewards  [Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing]
Shareable Yes
Previous A [40] Mystery Notebook
Next A [40] Completionism
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40] Numismatics.


Bring Misprinted Draenic Coins to Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge. Misprinted Draenic Coins can be found when completing your first Heroic Draenor dungeon each day.


I hate to be too cynical, but I don't think we're gonna find Nolan in one piece. Or in a lot of pieces.

Nolan was a nut for finding rare coins. He's been from one end of the world to the other finding them, and now he's gone and gotten himself killed looking for more mint condition Draenei coins. Tell you what - let me show you what these coins look like, you bring me a few more of them and I'll set up an exhibit in his honor.


You will receive:
Inv icon heirloomtoken armor01.png [Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing]


How's the coin hunt going?


These are in great condition. Nolan would be green with envy.


  • You only get  [Misprinted Draenic Coin] from the first random Heroic Dungeon each day.
  • Only the amount of coins needed for the quest will be removed from your inventory.
  • You will continue to get coins until you turn in the quest.
  • You will continue to get coins even after the final quest.


  1. A [40] Mystery Notebook
  2. A [40] Numismatics
  3. A [40] Completionism
  4. A [40] A Curious Oddity
  5. A [40] The Same, But Different

Patch changes

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