Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade Jr.

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NeutralNexus-Lord Donjon Rade Jr.
Image of Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade Jr.
Title <PTR Instance Teleportation>
Race Ethereal (Humanoid)
Level 73 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stormwind; Orgrimmar; Shattrath City

Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade Jr. is an ethereal found in major cities. He provides teleportation to raids undergoing testing.



Greetings, and thank you for testing the Burning Crusade Classic.

I can teleport you directly into any raid or dungeon. This is just a teleport, not a match-making service, so i hope you have a party ready to tackle the challenges waiting inside.

Gossip I want to go to the Serpentshrine Cavern (Raid).
Gossip I want to go to the Tempest Keep (Raid).
Gossip I want to go to the Black Temple (Raid).
Gossip I want to go to the Mount Hyjal (Raid).


Donjon Rade's name is likely a cunning misspelling of "dungeon/raid".

Patch changes

External links