Newbie guide/Etiquette

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Main article: Etiquette

World of Warcraft is a social experience bound by a Social Contract. As a new player, you are entering a space where players have already spent twenty years learning how to play WoW with each other, which can occasionally lead to misunderstandings. The following are tips that will hopefully lubricate your social experience, and serve as a reminder to be your best self:

Etiquette tips

  • HAVE FUN, COOPERATIVELY. The general rule for any cooperative game, is that you should have fun as long as it doesn't come at the expense of someone else's fun. Sharing the enjoyment of the game is part of the fun.
  • NO MEANS NO. If someone declines your invitation for a party, guild or duel do not take it to heart, and certainly don't abuse or insult them in private chat. If you feel rejected you are taking it too seriously.
  • NODES ARE A FREE-FOR-ALL. You don't have automatic rights to every resource node, herb or chest that you see - this isn't an offline solo game. If another player is fighting a monster near a node/herb/chest you shouldn't rush past them while they are busy to steal it.
  • BE HELPFUL - BUFFS. Buff players that you pass on the road.
  • BE HELPFUL - MOBS. If you see another player in trouble consider helping them out by healing them or taking a few swings at their monster. Warning; if the player you are helping dies - their monster is coming straight for you!
  • ASK BEFORE GROUPING. Ask a character with a tell/whisper if they want an invite to a group before doing it. Surprise party invites are known as "ninja grouping" and are frowned upon.
  • WE DON'T SPEAK COMMON. Horde characters can't understand what Alliance characters say to them - their default language is Orcish instead of Common. All they see on their screen is gibberish. Also if you custom emote they will only see you 'making strange gestures'.
  • WE DON'T SPEAK ORCISH. Alliance characters can't understand what Horde characters say to them - their default language is Common instead of Orcish. All they see on their screen is gibberish. Also if you custom emote they will only see you 'making strange gestures'.
  • BE FRIENDLY. There are many different cultures and backgrounds represented by the players of the game. Remember that when interacting with other players. If you are disrespectful of someone or a group it could negatively effect your reputation.
  • LEARN WHEN TO WALK AWAY. If someone's messages are bothering you use the /ignore <playername> command. If someone's actions are bothering you, go somewhere else. If someone does something that grossly violates the Terms of Service or the Codes of Conduct open a GM ticket.
  • BE OPEN ENOUGH TO LEARN. There are a multitude of ways to enjoy the game from solo play and professions, to raiding and PvP. There are also a multitude of opinions on how to get the most enjoyment out of each. Explore new parts of the game and new ways of enjoying them.
  • ASK IF YOU DON'T KNOW Almost every player has asked the following question: "How do I speak in trade chat?". If you don't recognize an acronym (or something else), just ask for information from a more experienced player, or in the Newcomer Chat.