Nemsy Necrofizzle

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NeutralNemsy Necrofizzle
Image of Nemsy Necrofizzle
Gender Female
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Location An Inn[1]
Status Alive

This article contains information and lore exclusive to Hearthstone, and is considered non-canon.

Nemsy Necrofizzle is a gnome warlock who is the second warlock hero in Hearthstone.

Don’t let Nemsy Necrofizzle’s small size and penchant for peaches fool you: behind those pigtails and goggles hides one of the most powerful Warlocks alive. Nemsy is utterly fearless, sharp as a razor, and she’s always cool under pressure. After all, you can’t command fel energies or summon horrifying demons from the twisting nether just by being nice. She’s your perky little pal—and a bonafide fel-flinging, soul-destroying mistress of dark forces! Nemsy loves it when her foes underestimate her. Appearances can be deceiving, and she knows that it’s what lies beneath the surface that counts.[2]

Along with her fungal monster companion Boggy, from being a mascot at The Grand Tournament, fighting off against the Whispers of the Old Gods, sampling the feast at a night in Karazhan, becoming a diver for Faelin's voyage to the sunken city of Zin-Azshari, being a sparkspinner during the Midsummer Fire Festival at Darkmoon Island, posing as a scullery maid to solve the Murder at Castle Nathria, and being a game master at Whizbang's Workshop, the two have traveled far and wide across Azeroth going on adventures for the Alliance and her fellow adventurers and mercenaries.


“Hiyah friend!”

— Greetings

“Impressive. You win this time.”

— Concede

