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Image of Nemaeus
Race Larion (Beast)
Level 10-53 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Aspirant's Crucible, Bastion
Status Killable
Pet family Cat

Nemaeus is a larion located at the Aspirant's Crucible in Bastion. Initially seen as a projection, Orator Kloe will animate the larion for adventurers to fight.


  • Ability hunter catlikereflexes.png Empyreal Reflexes — Increases dodge, spell deflect, and attack speed for 5 sec.
  • Ability druid ferociousbite.png Regal Bite — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy. Damage is increased on targets afflicted with Rake.
  • Inv mount allianceliong.png Relentless Mauling — The Larion pounces their prey, inflicting10 Physical damage to all enemies within 3 yards of the impact and stunning them for 5 sec. Targets caught are mauled for 2 Physical damage every 1 sec.


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