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Image of Neena
Gender Female
Race(s) Maldraxxi, formerly worgen (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Maldraxxus
Neena as dog construct.

Neena is a worgen soul located in Maldraxxus that becomes a Maldraxxi construct in a shape of a dog.


Objective of


As a worgen

Neena freed
Thank you, Maw Walker!

Can you help me reach my full potential among the souls of this land.

Gossip What sort of construct should I build?

I want to run swift and strong in a shape that lets me hunt across all of the Shadowlands!
Make me a dog.

Gossip I can build that for you.

I will join you in what I hope shall be my new home.

As a construct


Time to do some work?

Gossip I need your assistance.
Gossip Please go back home.

Patch changes

External links