Necrotic Bulwark

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The northern bulwark.
The southern bulwark.

The Necrotic Bulwarks are two maldracite crystals used by the forces of the House of Constructs and House of Rituals in Bastion's Temple of Courage during the Necrolords Campaign. The bulwarks provide the invaders with a necrotic shield defending them from the kyrian's ranged assault.[1][2]

The northern bulwark[39.7, 49.1] is seemingly unguarded, but interacting with it triggers an ambush from a group of Osseous Fleshclotters and Shieldguard Okineda.

The southern bulwark[38.4, 60.6] is powered by two Anima Batteries, in turn guarded by one Guarded Defiler each.

Objective of

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Northern Southern